Saturday, September 18, 2010

Greenberg (2010)

In Greenburg, the titular character (Stiller) is facing a mid life crisis, when he heads to LA to housesit for his brother and figure out where his life is heading.

When I started Greenberg I was expecting a quirky comedy about an oddball slacker. But the film is more of a dark character piece about a very bitter man who has a lot of regrets about his life. Greenberg himself is a funny but unlikable character, who often neurotically criticizes people and has a constant habit of writing complaint letters to companies. Most of the humor comes from these scenes. There is also a romantic subplot with his there is also a bit of a romantic plot between Greenberg and his brothers 20 something assistant, Florence.

The film reminded me a bit Lost in Translation both because of the relationship between Florence and Greenberg, and also because the film itself is almost completely plot less. It is simply a snapshot into a couple weeks while Greenberg house sits for his brother. Because of this, the movie feels a little too uneventful and meandering. It is not helped much by an ending that is both sudden and unfulfilling, but works well as a metaphor for the psychological issues Stiller’s character is dealing with.

For those looking for big laughs or a more traditional plot based story Greenberg will surely disappoint, but for those looking for a more character based drama, Greenberg may be what you are looking for.


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