Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quick Review: Epoch

Saw this pretty bad movie the other day called Epoch. I'll just warn you to stay away from it. It has pretty good box art and you might think it was a movie that got limited release in theaters or you just happened to miss, but you will be wrong. It's a sci-fi original movie and not a really great one at that. If I'm going to watch a sci-fi original movie I want to see one with chupacabras, or British SAS soldiers fighting werewolves in the highlands of scotland, or raptors killing big breasted porn stars in suburbia. I don't want a half-hearted attempt at the alien contact movie. This movie wasn't that great.

.5/5 stars for this one

1 comment:

Matt Schroeder said...

An excellent review. I will be sure to stay clear of this cinematic achievement.